Eunice is a member of Saint Edwards Catholic Church, Spring. She joined the Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Regina Coeli #1959, Houston, in 1968. She transferred her membership becoming a charter member of Court Our Lady of the Pines #2065, Spring, when it was instituted in 1973 and served her court in the offices of Monitor, Treasurer, and Regent. She became a member of Court Kraljica Mira #2308, Spring, in 1993. She served this local court in the office of Regent.
Eunice began her journey on the State Board as a District Deputy of District #25. She served the State Court in the offices of State Treasurer, Second Vice State Regent, First Vice State Regent, and was elected State Regent 1994-1996 at the 39th Biennial State Convention in Dallas. “Back to Basics” was the theme of her term as State Regent. The State Chaplain during her term was the Most Reverend Bishop James A. Tamayo, Auxiliary Bishop, Diocese of Galveston-Houston. The honorary roll call of Past State Regents on the back cover of the State Memorial Scholarship Enrollment card was implemented during her term. Eleven (11) new senior courts and three (3) Junior Catholic Daughter courts were also instituted. The theme of her 1996 State Convention was “When Hearts Speak to Hearts, We are Completely Yours.” At this convention, the first “Outstanding District Deputy Award” was awarded.
Sixteen years later (2012) when asked for a highlight of her term, Eunice replied; "There are so many wonderful things that were accomplished in my term but my most touching remembrance is of an eight your old girl in Corpus Christi at the institution of a JCDA court. All the CDA members and JCDA members were dressed in white, it was just beautiful. I noticed a mother trying to convince her daughter not to leave; she must not have received the instructions to wear white as she was dressed in a precious red dress. I gently told her that God wanted her there and to join JCDA with the other girls, her red dress just showed how special she was, not different. She joined and I will always remember the hug I received.
I traveled with Mary Dvoracek/1988-1990 when she was state regent. We went all over the state holding workshops and instituting new courts. She was a school teacher, very strict with perfect adherence to ceremonial rules. Once, I forgot to pack my white shoes; instead of eating lunch after the workshop, I had to leave and go shopping for a pair of white shoes for Mass. In a lot of ways, I think I took after her during my term as state regent."
Eunice and her husband Joseph were married in 1960. They have four children, eight grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. She worked as a cafeteria supervisor for Spring ISD.